Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Girl in the Mad City

Boy: You don't wanna be with me, I am not that kind of a guy

Girl: You know what, you are actually right.

Boy: You can get any guy

Girl: Yeah! I can get any guy.. any guy

Girl: I can easily get a guy who can take me around the world, but I wont get a guy who will watch sunset with me on a beach. With whom the world is on that walk on the beach.

I cant get a guy who can kiss me all day long, but I want the guy who is shy of kissing me in his own car

Boy: Ohh, so you like me

Girl: No, actually I was thinking of how it would be to grow old with a person like you, we wont have to fight for the remote, because both of like watching football. And we also read books in bed. We discuss leading judgments from the courts

Boy: That's too much similar of us

Girl: Listen I am done with your reasoning and answers

Boy: Its not love

Girl: Yeah , its not love. I think its the hangover of the Before Sunset and Before Sunrise movie we just watched.
its definitely not love....

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