Monday, November 25, 2013

The conversation between heart and brain of Mad Girl

Brain: I am warning you stay single
Heart:  no! no! this time I am not even looking. I need a break.
Brain: Is this a no or a yes. ?
Heart: My brain and heart say no no

Brain: I hope you are not even looking, this  guy fits 50% of the criteria, but remember not 80-100% I hope you have not fallen?
Heart: No! no! I know, I have done that before, won’t do it again, these 60% only take the breath away, don’t even let you (brain) function and choke the wind pipe.

Brain: Why are you thumping so fast and sending more blood to the cheeks they are resembling you in color
Heart:  Can’t I be happy also? I am not doing any harm to others or to myself.
Brain: Listen stop overpowering me, we are not letting her type that message
Heart: It’s just a message, no harm. The network doesn’t work in this area, let her be happy with a message
Brain: Listen from message to bed is not a long route
Heart:  Shit you actually have a dirty mind, where do you reach. It’s just a message. You are sick!
Brain: I better not be sick, because you will take over
Heart: Dear Brain stop functioning for some time, because if you do she won’t fall in love, she needs love right now.
Brain: All she needs is wisdom, which I can give. Please you  stop functioning.
Heart: Brain dead , she is alive on ventilator, heart dead , she will die a virgin

Brain: Listen can’t you see he is a fool , he has the same qualities as other boys
Heart: No he smells better than others
Brain: Do you only smell that, cant you smell the danger
Heart: It’s okay I will manage
Brain: you have not been able to manage before.
Heart: Arrey, I tried but it takes time to form a heart to heart connection. I was almost going to jump from the eyes, but the good smelling guy shut his eyes.
Brain: Because his brains are smart and his heart follows the brain
 Heart: I would have fallen from the eyes but he was wearing ray ban
Brain: I am very firm, it is a strict ‘no’ from my side
Heart: I would say take the chance
Brain: I won’t be responsible if this heart breaks, there is no insurance clause for heart breaks.
Heart: It’s okay, every love story brain has doubted

Heart: I am finish, this can’t be true
Brain: Fir shuru nautanki…….

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