Its for sure that I have not said these words to any one. Well the fact is that I am reading a book and its a hilarious book by two young Indian authors. And being young you can quiet relate to it.
So for raising the curiosity of others or say for having fun and seeing others reaction. I posted this on my facebook wall, and like me lot of my friends dont know that its a book but are rather happy to see this as my status. Well they might be happy for me thinking that she has finally found someone and in the process of dumping the first one and lucky to get the second one. HAHAHAHA
And one of my friend following up from this just send me a forward which read:
First day of school boy sees a beautiful girl siting rite next to him and writes in a paper " I love you, do you love me ?" and passes the paper to her and the girl replies " no" ....he didnt give up, he erased her answer and passed to another girl and she replies "yes"
Moral of the story
Definitely not what you and I are thinking ,well the moral of the story is "Save Paper"...... I should rather say great mind at work, some one can even think like this.
But my point here is not about saving paper, hence writing on a blog but its about someone trying to maybe encourage me or sympathies with me.
So till the time all my friends on facebook are thinking what I am upto i enjoy reading this book.
i will soon write more about this book, what I also like in this book is the leading girl shares the same name as me.
For Suchi: Inspiration, thanks I am back
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