This is no new syndrome, but rather my diagnosis by my Bengali colleague. She thinks i am suffering from this. Is it?
Symptoms: I am not enjoying this weather change, moving from summers to winter, i am too lazy, dont feel like coming to office, dont feel like going home, want to stay alone, chocolates and love stories have become my best friend.I am lost in my own world.
So is this a syndrome. Well we punjabis dont think so much, we are just termed sad and in depression but have noticed that bengalis are good in analyzing and have appropriate terms for each situation. So she thinks that all of us go through this phase in our life where dont want to be bothered, we love our space,our irritated, snap at anyone and everyone and hog on food. She further said "and the perfect solution is to pamper yourself, go out do things you want to , go for spa sessions, go to the parlour" Well she is right I would love to do all this, but will office pay and where will i get that money, spend once and become more depressed later.
Well all love stories have perfect ending like " Almost Single" by Advaita Kala had. I quiet liked his book, it was fun and so appropriate,Suchi has perfectly done the review Read it here
SO do we all go through this phase? do we miss being in a relationship, are we not enjoying this single space. Well I am , I am sure I am enjoying myself. but at the same time I think I am going through almost single syndrome.
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