Friday, June 22, 2012

The MAD House Series IV

The New Year Resolutions in MAD House

The Credit Crunch has affected the World, so it has affected MAD House too. Hence the BOSS came out with the New Year Resolution, " Cut on Expenditure and Sue More"

The worst affected in the MAD House are the toilets, printers, kitchen , coffee machine, telephones and others. The basic common sense and Maths says to cut the cost one has to see where is the expenditure, but because it was a NEW Year Resolution it was implemented from the first working day.

When the people came to MAD House in their first  week in New Year they discovered that the telephones no more rang, the printers had no paper , the kitchen had no dish washing soap, the coffee machine only gave hot water and the unexpected the toilet had no tissue roll.

And also came in new rules: one pen in three months, sign a requisition when you need a pencil, no need to flag the pages, no need for notes and the latest to use one sided paper please clean your cupboards. Also in addition give up bad habits of drinking tea, coffee. No need for emergency calls, be a good son / daughter/wife/husband meaning come to MAD house in the morning and leave from MAD House make sure you don't travel the city.

Not technology but common sense has hit MAD House:  replace people with machines, give money to those not in need.

Well you have surely heard about waters wars in  future but one can see paper wars happening in MAD House.

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