Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Big Grand Life

There is a story in everybody's life to be told. There are some pages of life we don't want to open.

Relationships are so complicated, where they start and where they end, no one knows. I some times fathom on how we form relations with unknown people, there are no rules, there is no set criteria and there is no type. Just when its over its called a mistake and when its successful ....... ( i dont have words)

This is my old habit of starting something and not finishing it. I give up half way! I dont have the patience of carrying it through. This is wrong I know, but what to do?

So the update on the meeting is that we finally have more money to spend, Boss just got some more funds, so now it will be a Grand Meeting.   And in this grand life and grand meeting, I am lot in my small World of thinking.

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