I am too confusde in life,
why am i confuse I dont know, should i blame my stars , my sunsign, my parents, my karma. WHO!
Well if you look is it really the stars as I am a Buddhist so dont belive in stars, so is it that because I am a Virgo, but Linda never said that Virgo females are confused then I am sure its my upbringing well to be honest no my mom is never confused she is a strong lady and dad never thinks much then Why ME
Then is it Karma, i guess it is so....
Have I made such bad causes in the past that the effect is like this. What is it Karma of thought or karma of Word or karma of Action.
Well am I sounding to CONFUSED, but this is the reality this what I am.
I cant take decisions for myself, daily its a struggle wether should i wear red or white. Should i eat out or not, should i call or not call.
But i agree with the panditji I once met who analyzed me well and said that I remain confused because of my planets and also suggested a stone to wear, which I am eventually wearing... Thanx to mom! does actually also this works, will a green stone help you take decisions in life.

Well if you think that i have misspelt confused then no its actually the state of confusion in my life.