One day a young lawyer frustrated with the working of the judiciary in this country was returning home. He was having arguments in his mind, the judges dont understand, the boss doesnt understand and then suddenly he tumbled over a stone and fell. He got up and found himself next to a black buffallo. And the person sittting on it appeared to be a character from Ramlila ground.
The young lawyer walk passed the buffallo and the man and thought that he had seen this man somewhere. He tried thinking hard, " what if we the moustache was removed and specs were added". He suddenly remembered that this person resembles the last person he had seen in the office and on giving a little more strain on his brain he realized that this person on the buffallo resembled The Boss.
He smiled and looked back and found the person on the buffallo smiling back. And right behind him crowd had gathered, he without understanding what has happened rushed to the crowd and found in no time, that it was Yamraaj calling and now his time has come.
Since he was so upset with everything he smiled at the buffallo man and considered going with him. Anyway this was the only way the Mad People could claim some defend the defenders fund.
The young lawyer walk passed the buffallo and the man and thought that he had seen this man somewhere. He tried thinking hard, " what if we the moustache was removed and specs were added". He suddenly remembered that this person resembles the last person he had seen in the office and on giving a little more strain on his brain he realized that this person on the buffallo resembled The Boss.
He smiled and looked back and found the person on the buffallo smiling back. And right behind him crowd had gathered, he without understanding what has happened rushed to the crowd and found in no time, that it was Yamraaj calling and now his time has come.
Since he was so upset with everything he smiled at the buffallo man and considered going with him. Anyway this was the only way the Mad People could claim some defend the defenders fund.
When the young lawyer and yamraaj was about to leave a police alarm rang. The yamraaj was very surprised how did police arrived at a short notice. But later discovered it was the ringtone of the young lawyer, whose Boss was calling.
The lawyer pleaded with Yamraaj to let him attend the call or the Boss would get angry and say " Boss you have stopped attending my phone". When the Yamraaj reminded him that he wont be going to the Mad House anymore. But still the young lawyer wanted to thank the Boss. The Yamraaj agreed and the young lawyer attended the phone .
Something like this happened:
Young Lawyer : 'Hel..." (even before completing the word)
Boss: " Hello ... Where are you Boss? I told you to sit the whole night and finish the petition and you merrily leave the office as soon as I go"
Young Lawyer: I just came ...
Boss: I tell you , you young generation has no passion, you are all lazy, you dont want to work.
Young Lawyer: I am with someone and he is taking me with him, I wont be able to come back.
Boss: How can you go like this ? Come back right now. Who is it that is taking you without my permission?
Young Lawyer: He has a buffallo and is not ready to listen to me?
Boss: Give the phone to him, you have such important petitions lined up, how can he take you. Tell him later, once you finish the work, we will get you a taxi, leave the buffallo.
Young Lawyer to Yamraaj: Please, my boss would like to talk to you.
Yamraaj: Hello, Yamraaj speaking
Boss: Mr. Raaj , whoever you are, how can you take my junior without my permission. Is this the way, this how you work, no ethics. You come back right now! Did you even bother to ask me? Did you take my permission?
Yamraaj (confused): I never knew I had to take your permission as well.
Boss: No No Boss, dont give me that crap, you better let him come now and finish his work. You can take him some time else.
Yamraaj confused, scratched his head same way the boss does and left the lawyer.